Ninety-two days…

Matthew 6:10

Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  (N.K.J.V.)

I spent some time reading the Lord’s Prayer this morning.  As I was reading, I began thinking about how sometimes words we say become “lip service.”  Do you know what I mean by that?  Often times we know what we are supposed to say, so we say it.  But, do we really mean it?  In church we sing all kinds of songs as prayer and praise to God.  Are we living what those lyrics actually mean?    In our busy day-to-day lives, do we take enough time to process the power in those words?  When we sing the lyrics, “Lord, I give You my heart, I give You my soul, I live for You alone” or “I’m coming back to the heart of worship, and it’s all about You, all about You, Jesus,” are we living those words beyond that moment?  When we say, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” do we fully comprehend what that signifies?  In the past, there have been times I have been guilty of singing those poetic lyrics with passion and conviction at the moment, but when situations in life spiraled out of my control, I needed a serious reevaluation to determine if I was living those words outside of Sunday morning or if I was blameworthy of lip service.

When I was suffering with the pain from grief, it definitely took a long time to surrender my control to God and submit to His will completely.  There are so many gray areas when needing answers for why God allows bad things to happen.  We could watch theologians debate on the topic from now until the second coming.  When we worry about ironing out all the wrinkles, we lose precious time.  There isn’t a lot of clear cut certainty in life.  We need to learn to live by faith.  Even if we had an explanation for every nightmarish event that happens in our lives, our human flesh probably wouldn’t be satisfied anyway.  There is an old Amy Grant song named, In a Little While.  Some of the lyrics say, “We’re just here to learn to love Him, we’ll be home in just a little while.”  I want to take today to encourage you to think about the lyrics to worship songs you sing and the scriptures you read.  Take time to evaluate if you are living the way God expects you to live.  I’m doing the same in my own life.  Every day I’m working on seeking Him more desperately than the day before.  I thought I would share my thoughts on what He is speaking to me.   After all, we’re just here to learn to love Him; we’ll be home in just a little while.

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