Eighty-eight days…
Today I had a conversation with my son, Paul. He is a musician, and we were discussing a certain mainstream artist whose music he loves. My son told me he prays for this man daily. He then said, “If he became a believer, can you imagine the beautiful songs he could write?” I found that to be a very profound thought.
I’ve spoken with you several times on the topic of talents God has given us. I have discussed how important I feel it is to fulfill your ministry according to your gifts (2 Timothy 4:5). So many people in the world have succeeded within the circuits of fame and fortune because of inborn artistry placed in them by the Creator, and yet, so many of these people refuse to believe He is the one who gave the gift. I began thinking of how much higher their talent could soar if God was given glory. How much more peace would flow within their own personal lives? How much less complicated would every day be, if we were a God-focused society rather than a self-focused society?
I can’t help but think of all the blank canvases that should be shimmering with color, but are not, because the artists are still searching in empty places. It saddens me to think of all the beautiful songs that might never be written because of self focus rather than God focus. Turning to Jesus and giving Him all glory in no way means life will become easy. To be completely honest, it might get more difficult. However, when you understand God has a plan and you focus on Him, you are able to reach new heights He has for you. To turn away from Jesus is to turn away from amazing opportunities to fulfill plans inconceivable to the human mind.
There was a brief time after the loss of our stillborn daughter, Courtney, in which my husband turned away from the Lord. His heart was heavy with sorrow. I’m so thankful his anger with God only lasted for a short time. My husband works with passion to fulfill ministries with which God has blessed him. I can’t imagine how different things would be if he wasn’t doing what God called him to do. I’m thankful his canvas is shimmering with color.
If you have been through a difficult time and you’ve turned away from the Lord, come back. God has big plans for your life. Allow Him to work in you. Metaphorically speaking, you have songs to write and canvases to fill with beautiful color. Pick up the brush and start painting.