Forty days…

I’m feeling a bit sentimental today, and I have no idea why.  Maybe it’s the nostalgic feeling of Christmases gone by.  It could quite possibly be that I’m always overwhelmed this time of year for those who don’t have enough financial means to make ends meet.  Or, more selfishly, it could be because I’m in the middle of directing two children’s Christmas musicals and worried about attaining a level of perfection impossible to reach.  I’m feeling the pressure, and too much pressure never feels good.  However, regardless of the stress I’m feeling, I need to lean on Jesus.  It’s important to maintain a child-like trust.  This morning as I walked into a classroom full of second and third graders, I was reminded of exactly what child-like trust means…

A couple of weeks ago as I was teaching, the children behaved so well and did such a great job on their parts, I promised them a special treat.  The following week when I walked into the classroom, the first words out of their little mouths were, “Did you bring our treats?”  In the midst of my crazy busy morning, I had forgotten.  Yesterday, I saw one of my music students in church.  The little boy asked, “Will you please remember to bring our treats to school tomorrow?”  My quick reply was, “Yes, I promise!”

I normally arrive at school at least 30 minutes before my first class begins.  This is so I can make sure I’m organized and have enough caffeine flowing through my system to put on my “happy face” for the students.  This morning, I did something I rarely do; I overslept by 30 minutes.  My morning was crazy, and I arrived at school just in the nick of time.  I’m sure you’ve guessed what that means for the second and third grade treats… there were none.

As I ran into the classroom with a frazzled demeanor, my morning wrinkles deeper than ever, and my venti sized Starbucks coffee, (Yes, there is always time to stop for coffee!) what do you think was the first question one of the children asked?  Yep!  A beautiful little girl with a big smile asked me if I had the treats.  Before I even had time to answer, the little boy I saw at church the previous day said, “She has them!  I know she does, because she promised!”  My heart sunk…

I quickly said, “We will talk about the treats after class, right now, we need to get to work.”  At the end of class I told them they would have their surprise by the end of the day.  I made sure I went directly to purchase them.  A child put his trust in me, and I would not dare do anything to shake it.  All of that started me thinking…

With child-like faith, we must put our trust in the Father.  Regardless of how bleak the circumstances seem, we have to remind ourselves daily that if He said it in His word it is a true promise.  Today it took the faith a small child had in me to serve as a reminder of how important it is to trust the most faithful One of all.  God will use anyone He sees fit to teach us, even a child with only eight years life experience.

Mathew 18:2-4

 Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.



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