Eighteen days…

Psalm 16:9

Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; my flesh also will rest in hope.  (N.K.J.V.)

I’m starting the process of putting Christmas decorations away in my home.  It’s always a chore.  They are fun and exciting to put up, but taking them down can be a bit depressing.  Christmas trees and sparkling Christmas decorations have a way of filling up space making everything look warm, inviting, and comfortable.  When it is time to take them down, the house seems empty.

The Christmas story is the most amazing story ever.  It is a true celebration of hope.  Today, as I’m dreading the process of boxing up all of my holiday decorations, I can’t help but be reminded of how thankful I am.  Even though we only celebrate Christmas once a year, the hope of Christ lives continually within all of us who accept His amazing sacrifice.  Unlike my Christmas trees, which only make their debut each December, the Christmas story lives in my heart forever and ever.  My heart is glad and will never be empty again!



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