Nine days…

Galatians 6:9

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.  (N.K.J.V.)

This scripture is my go-to word of encouragement when I’m feeling like things are not shaping up the way I would like.  Several times over the course of this blog I’ve discussed control issues, but every day continues to be a learning process where control is concerned.  At least for me it is.  Spiritually and intellectually, I know I have zero control over many situations with which I am faced.  However, my flesh wants to hold on tight and sometimes even wages a tug of war against what I already know to be true.

Because I’ve been examining and reexamining some of my own circumstances, God once again led me to my go-to word of encouragement.  I read it several times out loud this morning (reading scripture out loud always helps connect the lesson to my soul).  I hope it encourages you in the same way it encourages me.

Do not lose heart!  I’m praying for you. Enjoy your day.

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