Psalm 73:2
But as for me, my feet had almost stumbled; my steps had nearly slipped. (N.K.J.V.)
I bet we can all identify with this verse. Life can be difficult. Things don’t always work out the way we had planned. And, even if they do, it isn’t always an easy road. My very favorite movie is entitled, While You Were Sleeping, with Sandra Bullock. At the beginning of the film she recalls a conversation with her father when he told her, “’Life doesn’t always turn out the way you planned.” After meditating on his words of wisdom she says, “I just wish I had realized he was talking about MY life.” She sums up a lot about how many people feel from day to day.
It took a very long time for me to find myself in a place of contentment with my life. It’s not that I was completely unhappy or not thankful for the blessings I had. Life just wasn’t as easy as I intended it to be. It’s okay. Obstacles I had to face throughout the years made me who I am. God showed me I was stronger than I thought I was. He reminded me I was created in His image, and He does NOT make mistakes. He told me that if I leaned into His love and learned to embrace His divine will for my life, then I would be alright. I am alright, in fact, I’m better than alright.
They key words for hope in Psalm 73:2 are “almost” and “nearly.”
Throughout the trauma in my life, my feet almost stumbled, but God held me in place. My steps had nearly slipped, but God never wavered and kept me exactly where I needed to be.
Psalm 73:28
But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all Your works. (N.K.J.V.)
Sometimes those stumbling steps cause us to stumble straight into the strong arms of the living God. They serve as a beautiful reminder to trust.
Are you stumbling? And, more importantly, are you finding yourself in the arms of Jesus?