As women, learning to connect with each other is vital. We need encouragement. It helpsLouis Vuitton red sole to have someone who can share in life’s sorrows and help bear our burdens. And let’s be honest, having a shopping partner is imperative. (Nothing says bonding like shoe shopping. And lunch. Preferably both on the same day.)

However, sometimes women have a difficult time feeling completely comfortable with each other. They feel “less than.” Insecurity plays a HUGE role in relationships amongst women.  Some of us have a tendency to construct walls around our hearts. This is mostly due to our insecure selves.  We DO NOT want to share what is going on behind the closed doors of our lives. Been there; done that…

I can be private. I am very careful with the sensitive details of my life. I don’t always want to share my hurt. Let’s face it, I could be considered weak. Or even worse, I could uncover the lack of control in my life. It’s ridiculous, isn’t it? I mean seriously…

First of all, I should count my weakness as something wonderful, because when I am weak, Christ is shown strong.

lobsterbisqueSecond of all, sit down now, this will come as a huge shocker… I have zero control in life. God is on the throne, not me. (Praise the Lord and pass the soup! I don’t know why I just said that. I just happen to like that saying, and I’m hungry right now.)

Insecurity can drive a wedge between women. It hinders relationships. It steals the love between precious sisters in Christ. We definitely need to use discernment when we confide in others, but at the same time we also need to chip away at our walls. Don’t be so afraid to allow other precious ladies in to your life. And don’t forget… treat others the way you desire to be treated.

  1. Be welcoming
  2. Be a good listener
  3. Don’t ever break the confidence of a fellow sister
  4. Be eager to pray for the situation at hand

Work hard to bear one another’s burdens with love, patience, and trust.

While writing this post, I remembered this silly scene from an old “Friends” episode. (I Rarely forget anything that makes shopping the subject.) I hope it brings a  smile to your face.


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