giftwithbowGrace. Mercy. Love. Jesus died so we can truly know what it means to experience all three. Although, I don’t think any of our human minds will ever be able to understand the cost.

When I wrap a gift, I like it to look perfect. I use pretty paper and always make sure I have a bow to adorn the top.  I’m sure most of us like to receive gifts in beautiful packages. Society as a whole puts a lot of stock in how something looks from the outside. Body image is one pressure in which every woman can relate. It seems in almost every large group of girls you find at least one who currently has or had an eating disorder.

Before the disorder begins to show unhealthy on the outside, it usually presents detrimental side effects on the inside. Anyone looking at the person would think they were the perfect picture of health and wellness. Some would even dream to look like the model-thin-stick-figure, but only if they had no recognition of the disease claiming victory within.

Jesus is the most beautiful sight any of us will ever behold, yet his hands and feet are scarred. Scars that would never otherwise be considered beautiful to the human eyes will be the most brilliant sight we will ever see. His wounds are the price for our eternity, forgiveness, grace, mercy, love, freedom, and so much more. His scars are the definition of His infinite love. His desire for us to know Him is endless.

Our breath is the Father’s gift. Our life is the Father’s gift. You are His treasure. You are valuable.  He is seeking your heart. I urge you to seek Him back. When you search for Him you will find Him. He has grace, mercy, and love waiting for you wrapped up in the scars of His precious Son.

Does your heart long for Him? Do you sense the call He has on your life?


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