For several days I’ve been thinking about servant-hood. I am reading in the book of Matthew and the following verse is one that continues to stay in the forefront of my thoughts.
Matthew 20: 28
Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many. (N.K.J.V.)
Jesus is the King. Yet, when He walked the earth, He came to serve. His heartbeat sounds of grace and sacrifice. Its constant rhythm beats love, life and freedom. When He lived on this earth, He served others and then He died a painful death to serve as ransom for our souls.
This week as we lead up to Easter, I am challenged to focus on being a servant in everything I do. And not just with my actions, but also with my attitude. I want to pursue the heart of Christ through the act of serving others.
As I continue to read my Bible, I am sure I will once again find myself dissolved in a puddle of tears. Tears of thanksgiving poured out to a God Who suffered for my sinful soul, Who knew my name long before I would be created, and Who actually loves me enough to secure my future.
When we think of Christ’s sacrifice, no matter what our present circumstances, we ALL have so much for which to be thankful. Reflect on His goodness and serve someone who needs it. Give God the glory and pursue the heartbeat of Christ.
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Praise be to the most high Christ who is and has our being!