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Psalm 71:14

But I will hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more. (N.K.J.V.)

When I looked up the definition of the word hope in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary the first definition looked like this…

Hope – intransitive verb

1: to cherish a desire with anticipation <hopes for a promotion>

My entire calling in writing this blog, my book, teaching Bible studies, and speaking to women is to share hope. It’s what I want to convey more than anything else. The reason is because Jesus sustained me in the midst of my most agonizing trials through His gift of hope in my life.

I cherish it, desire it, and cling to it. I have fallen in love with hope because it was all I had to hold onto during my most difficult days. Hope never let me down. It helped me to keep believing. (Hence the name of my book, Nothing to Hold but Hope.)

The focus of Psalm 71:14 is not only the word hope, but also the word praise.

In the midst of difficult circumstances, although I don’t always feel like it, I work hard at pouring out praise. Regardless of my struggles, He still deserves honor.

While battling pregnancy loss and infertility, I knew that only God alone could change my situation. Not doctors. Part of hope is awaiting something new. It is about being expectant of all things lovely. Praising throughout the storm is what carries our belief in the possibility of positive change. Even on our darkest days, praise has a way of renewing hope. (click to tweet)

Our God is limitless. He can do ALL things. Not just some things. Not just a few things, but ALL things. We serve a God of hope. He wants you to put ALL your trust in Him.

Cherish His hope and expect big things. He is a big God.

Do you have a scripture about hope that helps to support you in difficult times? Will you please comment and share it? I love when we share the word of God together!



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