Last week, I shared one of my favorite words of wisdom from the Bible. In John 3:30 John the Baptist said, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” I’ve been thinking about those words frequently. In fact, I’ve been repeating them to myself on a daily basis.
I’m working on many different projects surrounding my ministry to women. I love learning all that God is teaching me, and I love sharing it with other women, as well. However, there are many days I do not wake up feeling confident in what I have learned. And I don’t always feel like I should be teaching anyone anything. I’m just going to be very honest and say it… I struggle with insecurity. I have a difficult time walking in my gifts for fear the gifts I have aren’t enough to honor God the way He deserves. Through this, God has taught me a very important lesson. I’m not being humble in my insecurity; I’m being prideful.
If my eyes are focused on what I can’t do, it becomes impossible for me to focus on what God CAN do (click to tweet). Whether or not I think my gifts are valuable enough has nothing to do with anything. God determined my worth, and what I was intended to do for His purpose, when He sent His only Son to die for me on the cross. I was bought with a price. (1 Corinthians 6:20) He expects me to offer my gifts to Him. I am valuable in His sight, and so are you…
If you are like me and have been living with insecurities over your gifts and callings, if you are worried that what you have to give is insufficient, I want you to remember you were bought with a price. God has something wonderful for you and in order to fulfill whatever it is, you need to stop looking at what you can’t do, and start looking at what God CAN do.
You were created for wonderful things, and if He has called you, then you can rest in knowing He values your gifts and wants you to use them for His glory.
This is what He is teaching me. What is He teaching you?
God’s teaching me the same thing, Jen! He’s been speaking 2 Cor 12:9 to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness”. So many women are tormented in our minds but won’t verbalize it because it’s so personal and the shame/insecurity is so intense. As I’ve begun to speak it out, I’ve noticed freedom in my life. It’s also opened doors with other women to share. Thanks, Jen, for sharing your story because I identify with it!
Thank you, Becky. It is amazing that when we begin to share, freedom follows.