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Sometimes, I struggle. The mountains are too high and the valleys are too low. I’m somewhere in between. I stand silent and still. “I’m listening, Lord…”
I tend to worry my world will be filled noise – so much noise that I won’t be able to hear Him. It can be frustrating trying to discern His voice. There are times it isn’t as distinguishable as I would prefer. But I am slowly learning it isn’t about me.
Every day we wake up and work to blaze further down the trail of the unknown. Sure, we might have schedules which dictate where we will be and what time we will arrive. But we have no idea what our conversations will hold or what news, good or bad, we might receive.
Lamentations 3:22-23 tells us, “His mercies are new every morning.” Yes please. I NEED that mercy. I’m desperate for it. I have an unquenchable thirst for the sweet drink of His mercy. It provides nourishment, which makes the brittle bones strong.
If you know deep down in the small spaces of your soul that it is time to make a change, I suggest taking a step forward. Even if your feet feel weighted down by concrete, make them move. The first step is always the most difficult. Yet, it will be the most memorable, rewarding, and significant in your journey.
One foot in front of the other… it’s how I’m continuing onward. There have been days I’ve walked blindly. Silence has followed me. And even worse, the little voice which loves to tell me to give up has chased me off course. Yet, I work to take another step in the right direction.
God has a plan designed to fit. Sometimes the plan seems uncomfortable. Like the way your favorite pair of jeans fit after packing on five pounds. (Unless they are stretchy, skinny jeans. You can stretch those babies right out… I digress.) But it’s okay. Not every step is meant to be comfortable.
I’m taking one step at a time. And you can do the same thing! Take a step forward in what God has for you. His mercy is new today. Don’t lose heart!
Author Mary DeMuth recently said, “It’s not failure if you’ve been faithful.” Wow! That will preach!
Psalm 27:13
I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of The Lord in the land of the living. (N.K.J.V.)
How are you working to move forward?
Beautiful post, and I love that Mary DeMuth quote!
Thanks, Eileen:).