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Today, I’ve linked up with Lisa-Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday…

My life has been a little off balance lately. I’ve been grieving my uncle, and I have a first row seat at watching my mother grieve her brother. It’s not easy. For the last four years the heartbeat of my life has been beating at a steady rhythm. Right now, the rhythm has changed. It’s a little faster. Anxiety wants to take hold, but it isn’t gripping me. Somehow, all of my emotions are layered with peace.

I believe our souls dance to the rhythm of our heartbeats. I don’t know, maybe that sounds a little over poetic or over-the-top, but I believe it to be true. What I am getting at is this… my soul belongs to Christ. I made that decision long ago and it is one that will never change. When my heart is overwhelmed with sadness, my soul will continue to dance in worship. It might be more of a struggle, but my heart and soul will sync together and God will be glorified.

In the middle of grief when the rhythm of life changes without warning, I urge you to pursue Christ with reckless abandon. Regardless of the difficulty and uncertainty you face, choose to not face it alone. Allow Christ to breathe freedom into your soul and regulate your rhythm. Allow your soul to dance in worship regardless of the pain…


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