Have you ever been hungry to do more than your doing right now? Do you dream of places different than where you are standing at this very moment? Are your eyes wide for more than just today? Do you want to see beyond the troubles of right now?
I have an ache inside to live beyond right now. I want to share what Jesus has done in my life and what He can do in yours. I want to tell you that I’ve been there and done that.
You might not be able to deal with what you are facing. But He can! It’ won’t be easy, but He will carry you. You have to let Him…
There was a day I was in a sterile white hospital room staring blindly through tears and the pain of another miscarriage. It wasn’t just any ordinary miscarriage. This time I had hemorrhaged, but the loss of blood wasn’t what made me weak. It was the knowing that my baby was gone and all my dreams followed right along with it.
I dreamed of healthy children, laughter, and a world beyond fertility specialists and painful recoveries from D&C’s. I made it. It wasn’t easy. It was an all out war, but I made it.
And now I’m hungry for God to fill me up so that I can pour out what I know to be true. His lovingkindness reigns supreme. He waters the dry places of our hearts with grace. He fills us up so that we can be poured out for others. We have the ability to share our stories and breathe His life.
Today might be a struggle for you, but you can make it. Dream of beyond today, knowing Christ is the Only One who can take you there.
You can only find the light when you choose to praise Him in the darkness. (Tweet that) Choose to give Him glory.
Romans 8:31-32
What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? (N.K.J.V.)