MercyWaitsCover_WebThere is a familiar lyric, which has been repeated in many worship songs: “Break my heart for what breaks Yours.”

The other night as I was praying for some dear people going through some scary circumstances, I began to pray that lyric. And then I thought, “There is no way I would be able to handle that kind of heartbreak.”

Can you begin to imagine the heartbreak God experiences on a regular basis? When those He created rejects Him, disobeys Him, or experiences the pain of living here in this imperfect world, His heart must break far more than we can comprehend – far more than we would ever want to comprehend. Regardless of how holy we sound when we say we want our hearts to break the same way that His does, I’m not sure any of us could handle that type of pain.

I can tell you one thing for sure. Mercy has been on my heart. And though it has been on my heart, my prayer is that it becomes engraved there. I’m striving for mercy to reach from my heart to my lips. I want my actions to speak mercy. My prayer is that God will continue to remind me of His mercy in my own life, and that I would show mercy to others. I do not want my mercy to have strings attached. Even if I’m treated wrongly, under no circumstances do I want to hold mercy back.

I don’t want my mercy to wait.

In just a few weeks, I have an eBook coming out. It is entitled, “Mercy Waits.” It is a 31 day devotional based on giving and receiving mercy. The Father didn’t think twice before sending His Only Son to die on the cross for all of us. He gave us a path to Him, and though we have experienced the most amazing mercy ever, sometimes, our mercy waits…

I’m so excited for you to read it, and soon I will be giving details as to how you can download a copy for free.

If you want to share the news on twitter, I’m using the hash tag #mercywaits

Proverbs 3:3

Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. (N.K.J.V.)

God bless you,


I’m linking up with Crystal Stine for Behind the Scenes!

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