I’ve been reading The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. There are some powerful lessons in that book, my friends. I’ve realized that I have been drawing circles for years. I just never thought so deeply about it as Mark. And I definitely never used “the circle” terminology. The way he sheds light on the area of prayer is just the encouragement I need at this time in my life.
I’ve drawn some HUGE circles, and I’m spending a lot of time tracing over them while waiting. While praying…
I love to pray scripture. What about you? Clinging to wisdom in the amazing, infallible, and tearstained book I own called the Bible is what causes me to completely trust, rely, and depend on a God who has a perfect plan for my circles.
Even before I began this book God had been speaking something to my heart, which is responsible for causing me to think differently about this whole “God has a plan for you!” idea that I’ve always believed so strongly. I often utter those words quickly to the people who need to hear them. An explanation should accompany the statement.
God does have a huge plan for my life, for your life, for everyone’s life. But guess what? It has absolutely nothing to do with me, with you, or with any of us.
His plan for my life has nothing to do with me!
I know. I can already hear you. You are saying, “Huh? What? Can you elaborate?” Yes, yes I can.
Here is what I’m learning:
God wants to work through me to accomplish a very specific purpose. Often, I will reap the blessings from it. But there will also be times I might feel a bit uncomfortable about how He is choosing to guide and direct me. In fact, I might even feel as if I’m not being directed at all.
However, if there is anything I do know, it is that my life is not my own. Once I gave my heart over to Him it became His for the taking. He has a brilliant plan, which includes me. It’s not necessarily about me. He’s given me dreams and guided my hand to draw big circles, but He is more concerned with using my life to give Him glory. Not to give me what I would like to have.
When you are wholly committed to Christ you will recognize that the wonderful plan He has for your life is including you on an amazing journey with Him – The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is doing something designed to fulfill His purpose alone. It will stretch you, cause you tears, uncertainty, and it might even make you feel lonely. And then it will strike you with peace. The calmness He provides will penetrate deeper than anyone or anything else ever could. Prayers will be answered and lives will change.
Blessing comes through obedience. Even when it hurts.
So, when I say, “He has a plan for our lives.” It’s true, but it’s never about us.
It’s easy to get wrapped up in what we want and how we want it. We need to trust and we need to be brave.
Ready and
Vying for
Everything God wants for us.
All the pondering I had done over this subject was further solidified when I read the following portion from The Circle Maker…
“God is not a genie in a bottle, and your wish is not His command. His command better be your wish. If it’s not, you won’t be drawing prayer circles; you’ll end up walking in circles.
Drawing prayer circles starts with discerning what God wants, what God wills. And until His sovereign will becomes your sanctified wish, your prayer life will be unplugged from its power supply.”
– Mark Batterson
Please don’t misunderstand me. God will love you, bless you, and give you more than you ever imagined. However, it is what He will work through you, not for you, that will be eternal.
He does have a plan, but the plan is designed for His glory.
Jesus, work through me for Your glory and let my circles be Your will.
So much AMEN here!