It’s lovely outside today. The sun is shining and spring is teasing us with her sweet scent and sunny skies. This winter has been long, dark, and messy. I’m excited to welcome flowers and fresh air. It’s time for something new to bloom.
I can’t help but think there are a whole lot of you suffering and wondering why. You can’t figure out how you ended up in the place where you are. You are doing what you know to be right and still feel as if your “bones” are broken.
I recently had the opportunity to share on Psalm 51:8…
Make me hear joy and gladness, that the bones You have broken may rejoice.
-Psalm 51:8
David wrote Psalm 51 out of repentance after his sin with Bathsheba. Nathan the prophet was chosen by God to point out David’s sin to him. When David finally recognized the error of his ways he said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.” (2 Samuel 12:13) And then Psalm 51 was birthed.
It is out of a repentant, humble, heart that David’s words encourage me. Our weakest moments tend to move us closer to the Creator.
It is usually through the groan of life that we are able to stir others. (Tweet that)
It’s obvious that the broken bones David endured were because of his bad judgment. But what about Job? Job chapter one clearly states he did nothing to bring on his pain and loss.
There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil.
-Job 1:1
What about Job’s bones? They were broken too…
I studied those two stories last week. I poured over them and pondered God’s intentions. One did wrong; the other did right. They both lost children. They both suffered “broken bones.”One of the largest questions asked of Christians is: Why do people following Christ and doing “good” still suffer? I had an epiphany.
As Christians we are meant to live the character of Christ. We do our best to emulate His actions. The goal is to become more like Him and less like us. So, if we are to live a life emulating that of Christ, then how is it possible to escape suffering? It isn’t. Why? Because if Christ couldn’t escape suffering, how can we?
38 Then He said to them, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me.”
39 He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.”
-Mathew 26:38-39
Christ was rejected, betrayed, abandoned, abused, and made to die on a cross. He was perfect, yet He suffered. Though grace abounds through the One who gave His life for us, we will still face pain. We live in a world full of sin which we cannot escape. However, we can become closer to our Father through our suffering and He can make us hear joy and gladness. It’s a gift.
I suffered 5 miscarriages and a stillborn daughter. I did nothing to cause such losses in my life. I cried out to God to make me hear joy and gladness. Without his grace there is no way I would have ever experienced true joy again.
Through devastation there is a beautiful opportunity to move closer to the One who calls us beloved. Today, I live a life wholly devoted to Christ because of the joy and gladness I heard during my sorrow. It was in my darkest moments that He revealed His light.
I don’t know where you stand today. I don’t know where you’ve been or what you’ve faced. Maybe, like David, your trial is a consequence of sin. Maybe, like Job, you’ve done nothing wrong at all. Either way, His grace is sufficient for you. You don’t have to feel guilt or shame because He died for YOU. You can hear joy and gladness. He can make you hear it. He is pursuing you. He loves you that much – enough to chase after you through hurt and shame, through grief and pain.
When your marriage is suffering and your kids make you crazy. When your friends abandon and you feel like you have nowhere to turn. You do. Throughout every tear we cry and horrible situation we face, the Maker of joy and Deliverer of peace has a gift for you. It’s called grace. It breathes freedom. It brings hope. And it’s for YOU!
You are loved even in the midst of broken bones…
May the sweet scent of a teasing spring carry with it a fresh rain of grace, and may healing bloom in your heart.
I’m linking up today with Holley Gerth to encourage through Coffee for Your Heart.
Jen this is simply beautiful. It’s like balm for the broken soul.
Thank you, Lisa!
I can only repeat what Lisa says. Beautifully written. Poignant. A balm of Gilead for the broken. Lovely.
thank you! Have a wonderful day!
Thank you for your helpful, hope filled, healing words.
Thank you for reading, Amy. I’m so glad the post touched you…
There is encouragement in your words and hope for all sprinkled throughout. Glad to have found you over at The Weekend Brew. Blessings, Mary!
Thank you for sharing this beautiful stringing together of words my friend. So encouraged my heart today.