I’m the Vacation Bible School director for my church. I’ve spent hours and hours formulating schedules and coordinating volunteers. VBS started tonight. This means that other than answering questions and supporting the staff, I get to walk around the halls and see the joy on children’s faces.
There is a small part of me which envies their joy…
My work is practically over, and I now have the privilege of watching everyone else minister. It’s a beautiful thing. For the teachers and leaders, the week is spent engraining biblical principles into the minds and hearts of the children. They are taught that no matter how others feel about them, or even how they feel about themselves, Jesus loves them. Always. To the end of the age!
I’m almost ashamed to admit how much I need those words, too…
As I was on my way home this evening I began to dwell on some issues that are bothering me about myself. One of them is my weight. I’ve put on a fair amount this year, and I’m unhappy with the way I look.
I work really hard to keep silent about it in front of my children, especially my daughter. I tell myself that I’m loved by my husband and by God. I work and work to convince myself that it shouldn’t matter. But it does. It bothers me.
I’ve had some other health issues which have prevented me from working out and there are days when I feel defeated. And then I remember something extremely important to the condition of my soul: It does not matter how I feel. Feelings have the ability to be wishy-washy, hyped up, over the top emotional torment that can lead to intense pain.
So I began to war against those feelings and another thought came to mind…
God created me. He knew from the very beginning that my metabolism would not remain the same as when I was 16, and He also knew an extra 20 pounds would not hinder my ability to be who He called me to be.
I’m the one hindering myself…
It’s silly, isn’t it? All of this beating myself up over 20 pounds. It is ridiculous.
Here are the facts: I have kingdom work to do. You have kingdom work to do. We have kingdom work to do!
The Lord has called us and sometimes we (and I mean me!) allow silly issues to get in the way of finding joy within the work He has called us to. Thoughts that cause us to belittle ourselves are nothing more than interruptions, which will eventually stand in our way if we don’t take them captive. We won’t be able to find joy within beautiful moments of children’s laughter at VBS, or in anything else He called us to if our attention is on ourselves.
Distractions can be detrimental if they hinder the joy we find inside kingdom work.
I’m going to make a point of remembering that joy flows from the inside out. I believe it comes from being willing and obedient to do what Christ has called me to do. I’m not going to allow shallow insignificant issues steal that joy.
Christ died to give me His joy and I refuse to waste it… (Tweet that.)
Take back your joy, friends! You were created by the living God with a very specific purpose. Do not allow negative feelings and emotions get in the way of your kingdom work.
Did you hear about The Mercy Retreat Saturday only conference passes?
My Book, Nothing to Hold but Hope, is releasing July 2nd!
I needed to read this today. Thanks Jen! Love-Susie
I’m so glad. Thanks for reading, Susie!
Thanks Jen! I really needed to hear that!
Thank you for reading, Alison!