handsHi Friends. For a while I’ve been praying about starting a Nothing to Hold but Hope book club. But here’s the thing, I really want this to reach beyond the average definition of a book club. I have it in my heart to work towards stirring a breakthrough in the lives of women who are suffering from current or past pregnancy loss. I want to dig in and study in a brand new way with women who are dealing with hurt from losing their precious babies.

Don’t you think it would be awesome to finally break the silence amongst women who have endured, and are working to push through, the pain of this particular type of grief? Wouldn’t it be nice to talk heart-to-heart and share our stories to not only help heal ourselves, but also someone else?

My book released in July, and within two weeks of the release date my world turned upside down from a different form of grief and loss. It’s been a very difficult time. All the plans I had to connect with you were swept under the rug. With the holidays approaching, I’ve spent a lot of time in prayer contemplating whether I’m even ready to begin putting the ideas that I planned to do months ago into action. I know that leading a study on grief will shake everything up inside. And, even still, I feel called…

This book club will be called The Nothing to Hold but Hope Healing Project. It will include interviews from other women just like you, (maybe you!) who will tell us their stories of loss. They will be featured one day a week on the blog for a period of 6-8 weeks. I will accomplish this through either showing a Vlog, (video blog with an interview) possibly featuring a podcast, or sharing an interview through the written word.

And this is where you come in!

I will be looking for women to not only participate in these interviews, but I will also be praying for women who might be interested in stepping up and leading a small group based on the book club. You can meet at home, in a church, a local coffee shop, or anywhere that works for you. It will be a time of prayer and open discussion about the book and interviews posted on the blog. We can finally break the silence of miscarriage, stillbirth, and even secondary infertility.

To make this work, I need to compile some research. And so I’ve included a survey along with today’s post. There are multiple choice questions to answer that will tell me some information I need to know. It won’t take long to complete. I do want to mention that this survey will only apply to women who have experienced pregnancy loss.

If you don’t want to be considered for an interview, then your survey can remain anonymous. If you feel led to share your story, you must share your name and email with me, but it will remain private. To take the survey, just click the link below. I really appreciate your time!


There will also be a private Facebook page for all participants to join. It will provide a place where we can connect with each other.

Thank you so much for your time, friends! I’m looking forward to reading your surveys and finding out if this is a possibility for us!






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