Airplane cloudsSometimes our days run together. They just keep going. we have a million and one things to accomplish and we can think of nothing else but staying on track with our plans. But what about God’s plans? Are we taking time to concern ourselves with those, or are we just looking at our own agendas?

This morning on my way to take the kids to the bus stop, I did what I always do and prayed for each of them out loud. I don’t ever think beforehand about what I might say to God, I just let the words fly out. So as I was praying protection over my sweet little ones and praying for my own agenda, I just happened to say, “I’m excited to see what You’re going to do today, Lord.”

I didn’t mean to pray those words intentionally, but I think somewhere deep inside even in the middle of the mundane there is an inner hope in all of us that God is going to do something big. And I also can’t help but think that sometimes His biggest works are counted small in our own eyes because they don’t follow our agendas. They follow His.

I bet there are tasks He completes for us every single day that we don’t acknowledge. We give love we don’t always feel like giving. We shed tears for  lives we don’t know because of what we see on the news. We have strength to finish jobs we didn’t want to do in the first place. We give when we would rather receive. And I am willing to bet that we don’t count even one of those every day happenings as miracles.  But they are.  They are miracles taken from His agenda. It’s a much grander plan than we can fathom.

I want to open my eyes wide to the events He has in mind. What about you? I want to see His goodness and faithfulness in the smallest scenarios. I’m ready to welcome my day knowing He is at work.

Friend, no matter what you have going on in life, today is a gift. Unwrap it with wonder. He is at work. Always.

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

-Romans 8:31



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