facing fear and beautyTo share what you create means giving your art a life of its own. It’s allowing something to move you so much that you’re able to give over the secret places of yourself that long to be free. And to do that, you must tackle fear!

We often hold ourselves back from unleashing the art of Christ in our lives.

Every time I hit publish on this blog there is a fear factor involved. Will they like me? Can I be who I am? Should I have said that? All those questions linger like the scent of a coming rain.

Every person is born with a gift; each one of us have unique purpose, but how many of us are ready to run like they’ve never run before? How many of us are ready to jump in and saturate ourselves with everything that makes us tremble inside the fear of what others might think?

Make no mistake, I’m not simply talking about shedding the fear. I’m talking about facing it!

Friend, I struggle because I’m never ready. I always think I can be better. Guess what? If I wait until I’m ready, I’ll never accomplish anything because I will NEVER be ready! If I waited to write, you wouldn’t know who I am or be reading this post right now.

The power of the Holy Spirit in my life gives me the audacity to be a crazy kind of brave. If you knew me, you would know how timid I am, how afraid I am to speak up within a crowd, how difficult it is for me to accept a compliment. And it’s not because I’m humble. It’s because I live with a fear of not being good enough. EVER.

When you decide to stand in boldness against your fear, you allow the power of the Holy Spirit to work in your life. It’s the kind of power that makes you crave doing things that scare you most.

You will press publish again, you will submit that manuscript again, you will sing again, play an instrument again, tell that person about Jesus again, tell your significant other you love them again. You will not be able to stop going after that thing you know you were born to do.

When the Holy Spirit moves you, you will be propelled to live out your gifting in a way that makes you most beautiful.

It’s time to dig deep to find your gift and then do everything within your power to use it. When you stop allowing the what ifs to paralyze you and start using your gifts to serve someone else, your beauty will show strong to everyone who meets you.

If you want to be truly beautiful, use the gifts of Christ in your life to serve another. Reveal who He is through the beauty of your life. Do not hold back.

You were created to share His gifts in your life. They make you who you are. I, for one, want to see that in you! I’m rooting for you, friend. Get out there and live your purpose!



PS: From now on, every week’s #findingherthursday is going to be a challenge to photograph something beautiful in your life. Just use the hashtag and participate on Instagram, twitter, and facebook!

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