Where is your place? Where do you fit? Or do you never seem to find it?
We search and press forward with fortitude, praying that when the night falls there will be peace within our weary bones. And that when the dawn comes, we will be refreshed and renewed, free of the chains that enslave us in to thinking we don’t belong.
Because God is doing everything to say, “You do belong. You belong to me.” (See Mark 9:41 NKJV)
So that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us…
-Acts 17:27
In the book of Acts, Luke writes about a time when Paul passes an altar that is marked with the inscription: To The Unknown God. He (Paul) speaks to the men of Athens and proceeds to tell them about the known God. The One and Only who created the universe and gave life through His Son.
I can’t help but apply the words in Acts 17:27 to all who are searching for their place. This isn’t just a problem for unbelievers. Believers also struggle with their purpose and place in community. They know who the real God is, but they can’t seem to get a grip on what He wants. They long to know the definition of their lives and where they stand in the kingdom.
They want specifics; God wants trust.
Trust in God is key, but the enemy would love to make us all feel as if we have no right to liberty in community. And worse, that we have no right to accepting love.
There are times I wonder where I belong, and exactly how my small piece of life fits into the grand puzzle of what is happening around me.
“For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”
-Jesus in Matthew 7:8
When I began this blog, I called it A Girl on the Doorstep. It seemed I was always on the doorstep of life just waiting for God to actually fling the door wide.
Sometimes, I sat on that doorstep using the power of prayer in hopes that alone would help. I believe prayer will put a key in the lock but sometimes there is more to be done. In my situation, I felt God speak in a familiar, quiet whisper to my soul and say, “Pray and do.”
For me, that meant I needed to pray without ceasing, but I also needed to rise up and believe in the promises He’s given. Standing on His truth and believing He has a purpose for me helped in the process of doors opening.
He’s given me gifts to use for His glory. He’s given friends that surround me like cheerleaders, who love and know of my desire to seek and serve the living God, that I might find Him.
Friend, when you start looking, you’ll quickly realize that you don’t have to look far. You only have to submit your heart and life, which will cause you to see that you must live brave. You must wildly go where He calls.
For some of us, it might be making a phone call to encourage someone, it could be attending an event where we don’t feel comfortable, and for others it could be a foreign mission field. Hey, maybe you are called to write and share your testimony! Whatever it is, the God who lives close in your heart will never leave you.
You have a place here and it’s gorgeous. It’s colored with love and freedom. And, friend, you can be sure of this: someone is waiting for you. They need you to rise up in community and walk in your calling.
So beat down the door and go for it! You fit in! You have a place!