Righteousness is known to form from the press and crush of struggle. I once stood on a battlefield of brokenness and somehow it transformed into a lavish field of life flowing from the Hand of the One and Only.
I had to learn to set my gaze on the Son. I adjusted my view, and allowed the Word to transform the ground I walked upon.
We can only walk in freedom when humility becomes our mate.
I don’t know why it takes tasting our own blood to finally feel alive again , or why our lungs have to burn before we can build them up strong.
I only know that I can be holy if I choose to be wholly His.
I’ll never be close to perfect, which means I’ll always battle sin, but more than anything, I want to choose Jesus. Even in the midst of the bloody battlefield of life, I want to see it differently. I want to see love and wholeness and everything He created the way He wants me to see it.
I want to wage war against powers and principalities, instead of on the skin of the one who hurts me. I want to fully cast my cares on the Living God, for He is more than able to save not only my soul but my heart from wounds.
I’m thankful that salvation doesn’t only save me from hell, but from the trials of everyday life. Though I’m forced to endure, I’ll never do it alone.
My God will supply all my needs according to His riches and glory. (See Philippians 4:19)
May every struggle you face transform into righteousness. May you walk in humility, gazing straight into the Son, presenting yourself as a living sacrifice to the living God.
You have the power to break free. Jesus gave it to you.
His grace is enough and you were chosen to be wholly His.
No longer allow your emotions to dictate your view. You can look around and see a battlefield of brokenness or a lavish field of life.
The power of Christ can transform anything and everything.
Including me.
Including you.
Love to you, friend