Hope is Coming(1)Mercy unravels afresh as I study events from creation to Christ’s birth. It’s part of Advent- taking another look at that strong Hand that kept reaching out to save flesh when we were destitute and, by all means, should have been left that way. He wouldn’t allow it. You see, we have this Mighty Father who resides not just somewhere beyond the clouds, but right here with us.

The other day I awoke early while the house was still and opened up the words in my big, red Bible. It’s a crimson color that reminds me of my saving grace. Oh the blood.

As I sat with my cup of coffee in the quiet of the morning, I was taken to a place where God walked in the cool of the day looking for the man and woman He created. The ones that hid… The ones that failed.

I was transported to a time when Abel’s blood cried out from the ground and Cain just couldn’t bear the punishment of it all. And then I saw it – brand new, fresh mercy from the Holy One who gave a new son, a new birth, with the promise of a new beginning.

Seth was born to Adam and Eve.

The two who fell from grace found it again after sin, after death, after hope seemed lost forever.

This new son’s descendants would reproduce the line that, in due course, would lead to Jesus.

God is the God of new hope, new life, and perfect plans. He knew before the world began what must happen to draw us to Himself. And though we are a people who continue to eat of the bad, run, and hide… He still allows us to taste the good.

He is the good.

Whatever you’ve done, wherever you’ve been, He is there waiting with His strong hand to draw you near. If you’re looking for hope, then please look for Him.

You are loved with an everlasting love. It’s full of mercy that unravels like a rope to grab hold of and find safety.

Seth was born to give grace that would carry on, and on, and on, and on… It’s for you, for me, for us all.

Do you realize how precious you are to Him?

Believe in His mercy. It’s all for you.

Hey friend, hope is coming!



To catch up on this Advent series, Hope is coming, click here.

To find out more about Adam, Eve, and their sons, read Genesis chapter two through Genesis chapter five.

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