You Can't Kill A God Dream!

I’ve been staring at a blank screen for days. The blinking cursor mocks me as it seems to cry out, “You have nothing to say!” But that’s not true. I do have something to say; I’m just not quite sure how to say it.

My one word for this year is change. I’ve been leery to share it because truthfully, change is scary and it isn’t always good. Many of us don’t like saying the word because it disrupts the flow of comfort and makes us gravely aware of our limitations. Do you know what often accompanies change? Loss of control. Yeah, I know, everybody’s favorite. Here’s the thing: We often forget that we’re only limited when we think in terms of what we can accomplish without Christ rather than what we can accomplish with Him. And, as difficult as it is, relinquishing control into the hands of God needs to become priority in everyday life.

And so even though I have a million thoughts stirring in my heart begging to be typed out and sent into the blogosphere, I’m only compelled to type one important fact tonight:

With Christ ALL things are possible. (See Matthew 19:26)

The dreams stored in your heart – you know, the ones you’re ready to forget because they don’t make sense and you think you’ve somehow missed God… Well, I’m willing to bet you haven’t missed Him at all. Those dreams belong to you alone. They’ve been planted and uniquely designed specifically for you.

You can’t kill a God dream! (Tweet that)

I’m going to say it again! You can’t kill a God dream no matter what you do. It will always rise up in your soul and beg for freedom. And it’s you that has the power to give that dream wings, because God gifted it to you. Forever it will pursue you.

In my own life, I’ve been worried about God whispering the word change into my heart, but what I know for sure is that if I’m unwilling to accept change, then I can’t ever move from where I am, even if I like the view. God’s view is always better, always more exciting, and always sure to lead me to my purpose.

I know you might be afraid to let your dream go uncontained. Believe me, I’ve been in situations where I’ve needed discipled and instead felt disabled. I’ve felt death to dreams before I realized this: When we give our dreams flight they might go different directions than we think they should. That doesn’t mean they are wrong, we’ve missed God, or that they won’t come to fruition. It only means our planted dreams were given to us by the creator and He will blow them in the direction of His choice, in His time, in His way.

Our dreams often look so much different than we’ve imagined them.

My point in all this is that you can do anything with Jesus by your side. Uncage your dreams and give up control by allowing God to use His breath to blow them in the direction of His making. Don’t live afraid of the work it takes, the time that may pass, or anything at all that seems nonsensical. God is a God of mystery.

Daniel answered and said:

“Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are His.
21 And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.22 He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him.

-Daniel 2:20-22

We serve a God who is in charge of change within the trajectory of life. He does what He sees fit; sometimes it’s hard and sometimes joy-filled. Regardless, when we stay open to His commands we walk in a path of life where deep and secret things are revealed. He carries us and plants hope inside as He excavates the dark parts meant to be filled with light. He renews us and allows the humble to rise up through hurt and loss. He sweeps up broken pieces while working for us and never against us. He is the God who plants dreams and receives glory when we allow Him to work them together for our good.

With God ALL things are possible.


Do you have a dream in need of wings?








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