For what seems like hours, I’ve been sitting here doing nothing more than staring at notes for a Bible study I’m teaching tomorrow. Homiletics would tell me it’s important to have an introduction, three main points and a killer closing. All I can think about is standing up there with tears spilling as I share the story of a Creator I’ve come to know and believe. I want to pour out His passionate love, not my polished words. And just so you know, I hate to cry publicly. My heart feels like potter’s clay; I’m aware of the sculpting motion of change coming from deep within.

Sharing the truth of scripture mingled with heartfelt emotion has a way of keeping me humble. James, the half brother of Jesus, says, “My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment.” (See James 3:1) Oh, James, PLEASE! I have enough to think about! And then Paul isn’t shy to tell Timothy, “Do not neglect the gift that is in you…” (See 1 Timothy 4:14) To top it all off, I once had a pastor tell me, “Be careful what you pray for.”

I’ve been praying for more speaking opportunities and a chance to share the story my Father in heaven has written on my heart. After all, it’s His story, I’m just living His art. You’re His art, do you know that? Friends, the wheels are in motion. I’m staying humbled by the words of James, encouraged by the words of Paul, and shouting Amen to the wise words of a pastor.

Tomorrow at 1:00pm eastern I’m going to throw my notes aside and speak the words Christ whispered to my soul. If you can pray for me, I would greatly appreciate it.

A few years ago the Lord gave me the word Brave as a word of encouragement for the year. For me it means:


Ready and


Vying for

Everything God wants to do in my heart and through my life.

If you are reading this today and feel my trepidation as I prepare to speak to hearts, if you understand what it is to have a gift to use but have to step way, way, way, outside the comfort zone to use it, then I want you to know I’ve prayed for you today. I don’t know your name, but God does.

Be brave! You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! (See Philippians 4:13)

As women of God it’s time to welcome authentic relationships, take off masks, and untangle lies. We must encourage one another with the truth of Jesus.

Each and every one of us was born for a purpose. If we know and believe Christ we are on our way to living it out loud. The next steps are to be willing and obedient – even when it’s hard ; even when it hurts.

You pray for me and I’ll pray for you. Deal?



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