Part of my purpose is writing books. It’s hard. I’m continually learning the same lesson repeatedly: God calls us to do hard things – Tasks that seem overwhelming and meant for someone else.
And it’s not just using our gifts that can be hard. He calls us to forgive each other, start clean, and humble ourselves even when it hurts. God is in the business of stretching us and molding us to become more than we ever thought possible.
As I’ve been in the middle of writing this series, my life has become even busier than it was before, and friends, I didn’t think it was possible. You might have noticed that I’ve missed a couple days in this series, and that is SO not like me. If I say I’m going to do something, then I’m going to do it. I need grace as I tackle hard and wonderful things right now in my life. I’m in the final stages of book design and editing. (By the way, we finally have a title! I can’t wait to tell you all about it!) And, my son is getting MARRIED!!!! Yes, my baby has met the most wonderful girl in the whole world and this mama is helping with wedding planning. I’m busy and very blessed. So I ask for grace as I continue writing through this process. This series will be 31 days, but it might not be 31 days in a row…
As I was working on final edits for the book today, I started having a mini breakdown over last minute citations and all the information included in a book project. It’s a Bible study and it’s the most in depth I’ve ever written, so the Lord has stretched me beyond my limits. Although, I hate to say that because as soon as I feel like I’ve been stretched beyond measure, I’m sure He’ll decide to stretch me some more. Oh, Lord!
Anyway, I want to encourage you with this today: You can do more than you think and you were made to accomplish hard, hard, things. It’s because God knows your potential to succeed in being a kingdom builder. If you’re sitting there thinking this post is meant for you, then don’t think about what might seem too hard. Think about the God who has championed you before time even began to do great and wonderful things.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
-Philippians 4:13
For today’s homework, share this scripture on social media with the hashtag #ActivatingYourPurpose to encourage someone else. They need to know they can do hard things, too.