What Everyone Needs to Hear

Back in 1980something I went through a phase when, almost every Friday night, I would hang out with friends at a roller skating rink. Roller skates… wow. Do you remember those? They had four wheels, and a fancy stopper positioned on the front. We would ride them...

The Never Ending To-Do List…

Lately, I’ve been making a list of projects for us to tackle here at the house. We need to repaint, give the kitchen a little facelift, and change the carpet in the family room. Oh, and did I mention we are remodeling the master bathroom?  But that’s not all,...

Where Does Our Help Come From?

There are days we are forced to make decisions that change the course of our futures. Big decisions. Decisions we don’t want to make, yet have no choice. I’m going to be honest and say that I’m tired today. I’m tired of making big choices that shape precious souls...

For When You are Weary…

Because we often end up in a much different place than we thought we would. Because we don’t always become who we thought we would be. Because others disappoint us and grief often holds tight. We praise. We praise in the darkness for the light that is sure to come. We...


Today, I’m linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday… Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. (N.K.J.V.) They shall be comforted. Those are four powerful words. The text doesn’t read, “They might be comforted.”  It says, “They...

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