by Jennifer | Jun 19, 2015 | Christian, encouragement, Hope, Inspirational
There have been many instances when I’ve said that life isn’t about rainbows. Accepting Christ doesn’t mean everything is going to fall in place and morph into the fairytale we’ve dreamt about. I was wrong. On May 25th, I was sitting outside on...
by Jennifer | Sep 12, 2014 | Christian, Hope, Inspirational
I had my own agenda for today, but God is rewriting it… I wish I was the patient one: slow to speak, slow to anger, slow to the constant turning of this world. I’m learning, but I’m not there yet. You see, I want to keep pressing onward. I want to move from one...
by Jennifer | May 30, 2013 | Christian, Hope, Inspirational
I spent the day cleaning my house. Up and down stairs I carried laundry, vacuumed, and scrubbed from top to bottom. House cleaning can be quite the workout. I found myself short of breath as I was busily moving nonstop. And then I began to think about the breath of...