by Jennifer | Oct 16, 2013 | Christian, Hope, Inspirational
You have a ministry. It’s deep, raw, tear-soaked, and blood-stained. It’s yours. You own it, because you’ve battled for it. In fact, you’re probably still battling for it. And say to Archippus, “Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you...
by Jennifer | Jun 19, 2013 | Christian, Inspirational
I’ve had many people ask me to blog about how to plan a Vacation Bible School from the ground up. I’m not sure I have the time right now to do that, but I would like to share something I include in the foundation of planning. It pertains not only to V.B.S. but any...
by Jennifer | Jun 12, 2013 | Christian, Hope, Inspirational
I’m the vacation Bible school director for my church. We are a small church with big hearts. We usually welcome around 100 children to our program each year. Tonight was our first decorating night. We are transforming our building into Athens Greece. As I walked in...
by Jennifer | May 21, 2013 | Christian, Hope, Inspirational
Hey there! Have you ever had a hectic morning? If you are a mom then I’m guessing you have. However, I had one today and it had nothing to do with my children. It had everything to do with my shoe addiction and lack of organization… This morning I decided I would wear...
by Jennifer | Mar 8, 2013 | Christian, Inspirational
I used to dream of running. (Hey, I said I dreamt of it; I never said I actually did it.) Now I dream of eating. (Okay, I do more than dream. I actually eat!) Body parts used to NOT jiggle when I walked. Or stood. Or sat. Now they ALWAYS jiggle when I walk, stand, or...