by Jennifer | Oct 13, 2015 | Christian, encouragement, Hope, Inspirational
I cannot begin to convey how many days I’m fearful to walk in my calling. Sometimes, it’s hard just to hit publish on a post I’ve written. When I stand behind a keyboard to lead worship or hold a microphone to speak at an event, I become riddled with...
by Jennifer | Oct 12, 2015 | Christian, encouragement, Hope, Inspirational
I’ve been hurt in ministry, and I’m sure that if you’ve served the Lord in any capacity for any length of time then you have, too. The call of God on our lives doesn’t always make sense to everyone else. And when flesh and blood get involved,...
by Jennifer | Oct 11, 2015 | Christian, encouragement, Hope, Inspirational
Many of us struggle with deciphering what God is speaking to our hearts. We are often hoping for confirmation before we move ahead, and it almost always takes a period of waiting. In my life, over the last year, God has been speaking, “Get your home in...
by Jennifer | Oct 10, 2015 | Christian, encouragement, Hope, Inspirational
The longing for stillness is placed in our souls by God. As we get to know Him and learn who He is, He draws us toward Him. And those who long for the things of God, long to be still inside His presence. We want to be locked up tight, unavailable to anything that...
by Jennifer | Oct 8, 2015 | Christian, Dreaming, encouragement, Hope, Inspirational, Waiting
Everything that’s human about us requires more than just staying in the same spot. We are eager to move on to the next big thing and usually we have it all planned out in our heads. This is why it’s frustrating when God calls us to a season of waiting and...