When You Arent Sure

I often sit down at my computer with a plan in my head of what I’m going to write, and how I’m going to craft it. Guess what? I almost never end up writing what I thought. I tend to be moved in a different direction and then wonder what in the world I was thinking after I post. Those are usually the words people connect with most. The Holy Spirit is amazing that way. He is our Guide.

This morning I was watching Good Morning America. They reported a story about a family who is dealing with a rare genetic disorder. Both of their daughters are suffering, and to date there is no known cure. At the end of the interview the question was posed, “Are you hoping for a miracle?” The father answered, “We are praying for one; counting on one.”

I instantly began to contemplate the weight of the second part of his answer. “Counting on one.” When you think about it, those are powerful words because we tend to hope and pray for what we need, but how often do we stand in faith to count on it? It isn’t easy; I know firsthand. I have some experience in praying for a miracle while losing just enough faith along the way to stop counting on it.

I don’t believe those are empty prayers, because I tend to think it’s okay to lose faith in the answer as long as we never lose faith in the One Capable of providing it. Sometimes, we get caught up in what we want rather than what He wants. And just to be clear, I believe in healing and that God wants healing for all. I don’t understand why some receive it while others don’t. Only God knows, and that’s the part where faith takes over. Faith helps us not lose sanity within the storm. I believe in praying and standing in faith for the desires of our hearts. Every last one of them should be fought for on our knees.

Some of us aren’t dealing with healing issues. Instead, we are dealing with lost dreams, broken hearts, you fill in the blank. However, we need to evaluate if it is God who actually placed those desires. When the word tells us He will give us the desires of our hearts, it means the desires He’s placed there. When the Holy Spirit is our Guide we are more apt to connect with those desires. Our story is rarely what we planned. We begin to want what He wants and then everything changes. His will be done.

Some of you stand today holding holy desires, counting on an answer, allowing the Holy Spirit to be your guide… still you wait wondering. Others aren’t sure anymore what the plan might be and are struggling to figure out the mystery – to figure out His mystery.

I want to encourage you to continue standing strong while counting on the One who provides everything we need and more. When you aren’t sure what the end holds, focus on the One who holds the end. Do everything possible to stop worrying about the end result and turn your eyes to the eternal result.

With humble hearts bent towards Him we cannot go wrong.

He will hold your hand through this!

For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’

-Isaiah 41:13

He is good and full of mercy for you.

The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works.

-Psalm 145:9

He is faithful.

Your mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens; Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.

-Psalm 36:5

He meets every need.

Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.


Keep your eyes on Him.

looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

-Hebrews 12:2

I’m praying for you today.





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