by Jennifer | Nov 13, 2015 | Christian, encouragement, Hope, Inspirational, miscarriage, Stillbirth, Waiting
The following words from Oswald Chambers have been echoing through the corridors of my mind. “We are not made for the mountain, for sunrises, or for the other beautiful attractions in life – those are simply intended to be moments of inspiration. We are...
by Jennifer | Oct 8, 2015 | Christian, Dreaming, encouragement, Hope, Inspirational, Waiting
Everything that’s human about us requires more than just staying in the same spot. We are eager to move on to the next big thing and usually we have it all planned out in our heads. This is why it’s frustrating when God calls us to a season of waiting and...
by Jennifer | Aug 23, 2015 | Christian, Dreaming, encouragement, Hope, Inspirational, Waiting
When I was waiting for God to bless us with another child, the process seemed to take forever. Fifteen years is a really long time for a woman who longs for the godly desire of life and feels with each passing month that hope is dwindling. In our society, we race...
by Jennifer | Mar 21, 2015 | Christian, Dreaming, encouragement, Hope, Inspirational, Jump, Waiting
Yesterday, Paul and I waded out to a sandbar. We stepped on top of it and decided to jump in the other side to deeper waters. We held hands, closed our eyes, counted to three, and yelled, “Jump!” Little did we know, the water wasn’t any deeper and we...
by Jennifer | Mar 16, 2015 | Dreaming, encouragement, Hope, Inspirational, Waiting
When you feel called to make a change in life or pursue a dream, do you follow through? Or, do you question yourself allowing fear to overtake you? I’m a visual learner, and what I view either in real life, on a movie screen, or in a book can spark ideas and...