One hundred twelve days…
I ended the first chapter of my book telling you Paul and I had finally claimed victory. So, what is victory exactly? What if the prayer you’ve been praying for years is never answered? Does that mean you are not victorious? No, it doesn’t. Sometimes the word “victory” needs redefined. We must be careful to evaluate how we are scaling the mountains in our lives and not put so much emphasis on what happens when we’ve reached the top. We can still pray and dream about the peace and serenity that is rewarded when reaching the apex, but it is not always about the end result. It’s also about the climb.
But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. (2 Timothy 4:5) N.K.J.
I love, love, love the apostle Paul. His role as a strong spiritual mentor is beautifully documented within his writings. Every time I read 2 Timothy 4:5, I am encouraged. There is great authority in the instructions he gives Timothy to be watchful, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, and my personal favorite… FULFILL YOUR MINISTRY.
We ALL have a ministry to fulfill. God has gifted each one of us with something unique. However, while waiting for a specific prayer to be answered, we often times become spiritually sedentary. We become so wrapped up in our own troubles that in the process we forget the person right next door is also in need of something. Instead of constantly wandering around trying to decipher God’s perfect will for our own lives, we need to be praying and helping others in their “climb.”
In the midst of my darkest days, I learned it best to jump into projects allowing me to serve others. Even now when I am struggling with something difficult, although I still pray for God’s divine answers, I make it a point to reach out and invest in someone else. I want to encourage you to pour into the life of another. Use your gifts to serve and glorify God. Break out of your box; be obedient and be blessed.