Sixty-three days…

This blog was birthed out of the need to speak comfort to women who are dealing with serious grief issues, especially those who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, and infertility.  It’s time to break the silence concerning this subject. Although I want to introduce you to who I am in other areas of my life, I want to make sure we don’t lose sight of that.

I recognize my entire story is still unknown to you, but for those of you who have been reading, you’ve learned I delivered a stillborn baby daughter.  I was more than 34 weeks pregnant.  It was a horrific time, and no verbalization can justify the pain from it.  There are no words for tragedy.  In the following scripture, death represents sin and Christ is the victory.

1 Corinthians 15:54

So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.”

Through the discovery of learning how to live with insurmountable grief, I’ve been awakened to the beauty of what my Savior did for me.  It’s been sixteen years since we lost her, and there are still moments when I weep.  Can you begin to imagine how much the Father must weep for our souls when we walk away from Him because we are unable to handle our grief?

Jesus died for us on the cross.  Because of this, death cannot sting us.  He is our victory.

If you have lost a baby either early or late in a pregnancy and are having a difficult time understanding your grief, I want to remind you that your victory is Christ and your little one is safe in His arms.  With everything in me, I believe we will see those beautiful little souls when we arrive home in heaven.  Allow your circumstances to bring alive what Christ has done for you.  As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, let us remember the true reason every living and breathing person on this earth should be thankful.  Christ died for us, and because of His great sacrifice, death has lost its sting!


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