Seventeen days…

Recently, I’ve been spending some time on Pinterest.  It’s a great site, but can easily become an addiction.  Last summer, my sister-in-law insisted I become a part of the rest of the dreaming type personalities in the world and join.  I said, “No!  It will be another time sucker!”  She hijacked my smart phone and set up my account.  Though I’ve tried to stay away, at this moment, I’m just a little addicted.

The downfalls for me are two things.  Because I like to cook and view different recipes, I’m perpetually hungry.  I also love to look at the different fashion ensembles, which makes me want to shop.  Eating and shopping can both be detrimental, especially if I am coupling those two things.  Help!  I’ve since decided I want to whiten my teeth using natural remedies, so I looked up some different teeth whitening techniques.  Last night I had a dream that both of my top front teeth fell out.  However, I hate to admit, this is a recurring dream.  I wonder what it could mean.  Eek…

I don’t really have any enlightening or inspiring words to share through the blog today.  I’m just babbling about what happens to be on my mind at the moment.  So, before I reveal any more of my silliness, I should probably go.  Anyway, the magnetic force of Pinterest is pulling me towards my ipad…


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