sge-book-coverHello, my friends! Yay for Saturday! I’m thankful for the weekend.  One of my favorite weekend activities is reading. It can be difficult to find time, but it’s my guilty pleasure. (Well, let’s be honest, I don’t feel that guilty about it.)

Because of this, I’m choosy about the books I make time to read. Often, after a busy week, I feel the need to select a book that will take my mind on vacation. (There are some who might say my mind is always on vacation but that is another story for another day, or not.) When I feel the need for a “vacation” I will sometimes choose a humorous non-fiction book about a person who makes me feel better about my own personal chaos.

A couple of weeks ago, I read a super fun, real-life story entitled, Sparkly Green Earrings by author Melanie Shankle. She is also author of the Big Mama Blog, which is a MUST READ for all of you avid blog readers who love to laugh. I LOVED the book! It is a fun adventure in which women, especially mothers of young children, will appreciate.

I enjoyed it SO much, that I’ve decided to give a copy away on the blog. (Woo hoo! It’s my first giveaway!) And, how in the world can you give this book away without giving some glam green earrings away with it?!? So, if you want to win a copy of Sparkly Green Earrings along with a pair of green earrings (Possibly sparkly, possibly not. This giveaway is allowing me to go shopping. This means I win too! My husband probably won’t agree with that statement. In terms of shopping, when I win, his wallet usually loses.), then all you have to do is this…

Leave a comment on the blog.  If you would like, feel free to tell me a sweet, funny, or silly story regarding your journey as a mother. (You don’t have to be a mother to enter. Chances are we’ve probably all mothered someone in our lives. And most likely they didn’t have a choice in the matter.) I would love to hear from your heart!

To better your chances at winning, and have your name entered THREE TIMES in the drawing, all you have to do is subscribe to my blog. Just tell me in your comment that you have become a subscriber. I will check it out and enter you! (Disclaimer – you can unsubscribe at anytime. Not that I won’t be sad to see you go, because I will, so you should stay. I ought to just be quiet about the whole taboo unsubscribe thingy and move on… but really, stick around.) If you are already a subscriber, you can also have your name entered THREE TIMES by referring someone else to subscribe. Just have them mention your name in their comment.) (Am I organized or what? Wait, don’t answer that!)

The winner will be chosen randomly via the computer program. This is going to be fun!!!

Next Friday, March 8th will be the last day to enter. The winner will be announced next Saturday, March 9th on the blog!

Ready, set, comment!!!!

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