Hello, my friends! Yay for Saturday! I’m thankful for the weekend. One of my favorite weekend activities is reading. It can be difficult to find time, but it’s my guilty pleasure. (Well, let’s be honest, I don’t feel that guilty about it.)
Because of this, I’m choosy about the books I make time to read. Often, after a busy week, I feel the need to select a book that will take my mind on vacation. (There are some who might say my mind is always on vacation but that is another story for another day, or not.) When I feel the need for a “vacation” I will sometimes choose a humorous non-fiction book about a person who makes me feel better about my own personal chaos.
A couple of weeks ago, I read a super fun, real-life story entitled, Sparkly Green Earrings by author Melanie Shankle. She is also author of the Big Mama Blog, which is a MUST READ for all of you avid blog readers who love to laugh. I LOVED the book! It is a fun adventure in which women, especially mothers of young children, will appreciate.
I enjoyed it SO much, that I’ve decided to give a copy away on the blog. (Woo hoo! It’s my first giveaway!) And, how in the world can you give this book away without giving some glam green earrings away with it?!? So, if you want to win a copy of Sparkly Green Earrings along with a pair of green earrings (Possibly sparkly, possibly not. This giveaway is allowing me to go shopping. This means I win too! My husband probably won’t agree with that statement. In terms of shopping, when I win, his wallet usually loses.), then all you have to do is this…
Leave a comment on the blog. If you would like, feel free to tell me a sweet, funny, or silly story regarding your journey as a mother. (You don’t have to be a mother to enter. Chances are we’ve probably all mothered someone in our lives. And most likely they didn’t have a choice in the matter.) I would love to hear from your heart!
To better your chances at winning, and have your name entered THREE TIMES in the drawing, all you have to do is subscribe to my blog. Just tell me in your comment that you have become a subscriber. I will check it out and enter you! (Disclaimer – you can unsubscribe at anytime. Not that I won’t be sad to see you go, because I will, so you should stay. I ought to just be quiet about the whole taboo unsubscribe thingy and move on… but really, stick around.) If you are already a subscriber, you can also have your name entered THREE TIMES by referring someone else to subscribe. Just have them mention your name in their comment.) (Am I organized or what? Wait, don’t answer that!)
The winner will be chosen randomly via the computer program. This is going to be fun!!!
Next Friday, March 8th will be the last day to enter. The winner will be announced next Saturday, March 9th on the blog!
Ready, set, comment!!!!
As a mama of 4 littles, I have more than my fair share of stories. 🙂 Just recently, my 3 year old declared that she would not be wearing clothing any more because she “runs so fast when she’s naked.” I would love to win this book and, more importantly, I am so glad I happened upon your blog! I’m going to subscribe, too!
Thank you, Stacy! Your story has me laughing my head off! LOVE IT!
In pre-school, the class was asked if they had heard of the trinity. My son raised his hand & replied, “Yes, it is the Father, the Son & the Holy Mackerel.” I kid you not!! Guess what expression I have stopped saying :)))) I would love to read the book as I have been hearing so much about it. Plus, now I have a new blog to read :)) I am going to subscribe too.
Thank you! That is such an adorable story! Have a beautiful weekend!
I’m not a Mama yet, but I hope to be one day in the near future. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about this book…and to be honest, I’m a little fearful about the prospect of motherhood, so I think this book would be a wonderful and important read! Thanks for doing this giveaway! 🙂
Hi Sarah. God bless you as you embark on a new journey to become a mother. Don’t be fearful; motherhood is the best! Thanks for commenting:).
I keep hearing great things about this book!! One day last month, I was teaching my 4-year old the sound of “c” as in “cat”. So I ask her what sound “c” makes–and she says, “meeooow”. #facepalm lol
That had me chuckling the rest of the day. He he! Thanks for the opportunity, Jennifer!
Cute story, Christin! Those sweet moments with little ones enable us to breathe in joy! 🙂
I have a grandma story: My daughter is pregnant with child #3. The first two are boys, ages 3 and 1. The 3yo has been asking a lot lately if they’re going to have one baby or two, and she keeps reassuring him that there will only be one baby. She couldn’t understand why he kept asking about it. Finally the other day, she understood his concern. He thought that when the new baby came, his little brother (who he calls Baby Joe) would be given away.
Can’t wait to read Sparkly Green Earrings!
Cute Story, Karen! Congratulations on the new grand baby on the way!
I don’t really have a funny story, but my daughter has an opinion about everything. I’ve given up shopping for clothes/accessories for Lent and every time I even look at jewelry or clothing, she reminds me how I am not allowed to buy anything. 🙂
Oops and I am a new subscriber, too!
Carly, I love it! You are brave to give up shopping for lent! Huge sacrifice! Jesus is worth it:).
My four little ones are now four big ones! Because they had to spend the first 18 years of their lives with me virtually 24/7 (yep they were homeschooled) I thought they would fly far, far away. Ok not really. But I am surprised they have stayed, now work with us, and like hanging with mom and dad! Fruit of faithful parenting? Being friends with your adult children : )
I love your story, Melanie! I have a 20 year old son. I love that he is still at home:).
New to your blog! Just started following you and
just subscribed to your blog. 🙂
Thank you so much, Angie! I appreciate it and sincerely hope you enjoy it. Have a great day!
My daughter was just helping me make dinner (which tonight was her and my favorite food) when she suddenly declared, “I just LOVE everything!”. I completely understand because when I get yummy food, I feel happy about the world too!
I can relate, Chelsea! Yummy food makes me happy also! Thanks for commenting! 🙂
I am itching to read that book! Okay, so in my family, we call our derrière our “biscuits.” Recently, my husband was trying to be flirty with me, and our four year old asked why he was scratching my biscuits. I died!
Haha! Super cute, Jill! 🙂
New to your blog, just started following it.
Hope I win 🙂
My name is Amy Cottrell 🙂
Thanks, Amy!
I am reminded of my eldest daughter on the morning of her 4th birthday – singing a song of her own creation ” I’m 4, I’m 4 a I’m 4 and a half! I can paint my toes. All by myself. With no help.” We still sing this song, to her and our other children on their 4th bdays. Forever reminded of our sweet, independent butterfly, now becoming a young woman.
Would love this book to read and pass on to my daughters. Thanks so much for hosting the contest. Blessings!
That is a great story! Thanks! God bless you:).
Love bigmama and would Love a copy of her book! And I subscribed to your blog!!! Thanks!
Thank you for subscribing, Robyn! I Love Big Mama as well. She makes me laugh out loud!
I have a 3 1/2 year old as well as a 14 month old. My 3 1/2 year old decided that he wanted to turn the (tiny) linen closet into his hotel room this week. I wasn’t thrilled to find blankets off the shelves, unfolded, etc., but then I remembered that he’s little and “one of these days” I’ll miss that sweet boy’s innocent games of pretend.
(I also just subscribed to your blog!)
Great story, Ginny! You are right, the days will pass quickly. Seeing the joy in their little faces is worth so much more than neatly folded blankets:). Thanks for subscribing! I hope you enjoy:).
Since my children are older, therefore leaving me with years of “material” to share, I’ve been trying to narrow things down to share. I have 1 funny moment I’d like to share for each of my 2 children.
My son, now a freshman in college has always been quite a card. He would sing commercial jingles and quote movie lines like it was his job. He grew up watching lots of Veggie Tales as a young lad. One day, after being released from 2 minutes of punishment in the corner, he looks back to the corner while walking away, and like Larry the Cucumber in the story of Daniel and the lions den, he replies, “thanks for the pizza.” What!?
I worked as a teachers aid at the school my children attended when my daughter, now 13, was in preschool. One day we were having a discussion with the class about bad choices and punishment. The teacher questions, “What happens when you don’t listen to your parents?” I was eager to hear my daughter’s response since she was a very well behaved compliant child. As we go around the table hearing things like time-out, standing in the corner, going to bed early, my daughter pipes up, “when I don’t listen, I get soap in my eyes.” Oh great! These kids and the teacher are looking at me for a response. Surely they were all thinking I was some type of child abuser. I remember replying to her with questioning through nervous laughter. Good Lord!! Where did she come up with such a tale? After some time, I realized she was right. We had been telling her each night as she rinsed her hair in the shower, “Keep your eyes closed! If you don’t listen, you’ll get soap in your eyes.” To this day, she is very literal in her responses.
Great stories, Star! The “soap in the eyes” is hilarious!
Just discovered your blog, thanks for the giveaway:-) I just subscribed, too.
Thank you so much, Carol!
I’m up for a new read, thanks!
I would love to make the “Sparkly Green Earrings” for ya to give away 😉
Let me know.
I’ve been following your blog for a while now. Subscribed 🙂 As for a funny little story. Hmmmm. I’m a Mommy to an eight year old boy, Ben. Yesterday his school had their open house and he gave us a tour of his classroom. One of his creative writings was on the wall and when I read it I started crying – right there in front of the chalkboard – head bowed, tears streaming down my face. My son gave that look to my husband, “Oh, here she goes again look,” but there was also such sensitivity in his big blue eyes. His entry under, “My Hero” said this, “My Mom inspires me every day with new ideas. And she lets me have fun ALL the time.” I inspire my son. Big sigh, with big tears. It was one of the best moments I’ve had as a Mommy – to think that my little boy, sitting there at his litle desk, writing about ME, his Momma. After I composed myself, he went out in the hallway and said to his teacher, “Mrs. Dunmire….my mom is in the classroom crying.” (All us ‘adults’ laughed outloud). I had to remind him – He’s the one who inspires me everyday!
Thank you, Julie. I love your story! 🙂
I am a mother to 3 boys and a girl. There are so many stories…but let’s see – I think recently was the proud moment when I got the call from daycare that my princess 2yr old daughter had pushed another little boy so hard that he fell, hit his lip on a bookshelf and was bleeding. And this is my princess after 3 boys?! Yikes!! Needless to say we are changing the way we interact with her and the boys are NOT allowed to wrestle with her or chase her! 🙂 I have heard so many good things about this book – I would love to win a copy!
Cute story, Kristin! The book is great. I loved it, and I know you will also:).
One of my fave things about being a momma is hearing the things that come out of my kids’ mouths. For example, my 4-yr-old daughter is learning to read and made me laugh out loud with this observation the other day.
Her: “Momma, The Cat in the Hat is the first book ever written.”
Me: “What? No, it’s not.”
Her: “Yes, it is. I promise.”
Me: “Mary Reeves, there were lots of other books written before that one.”
Her: “It is. I promise. I’ll show you. On the cover, it says Beginning Book.”
SO CUTE, Meaghan! I love it!
I am not a mother yet however I am a nanny to 3 little girls (10, 2, 10months) and I would love to.win a copy! I have it on my phone but would love a copy that I can read when I’m traveling! (:
Thank you for commenting, Shaci! 🙂
Oh and I Subscribed! (:
Thanks! I hope you enjoy:).
Just started following you and Big Momma 🙂 Can’t wait to read this book!
Thanks,Amy! The book is fantastic! Have a blessed weekend!