
Today kicks off the start of National Infertility Awareness Week. Many wonderful women all over the blogosphere will be sharing their stories of pain. Some of them are in the trenches right at this very moment, and some have clawed their way out through prayer, healing, and love from others who helped to bear their burdens during their darkest days.

At the end of this post, I will list two blogs I read on a regular basis, which will be sharing not only beautiful stories from women who are currently struggling with infertility, but also women who have fought and are now on the other side. I want to encourage you to read these blogs. Even if you have never faced this battle, chances are you know someone who has or will. Infertility grips the lives of approximately 10 % of women (6.1 million) in the United States alone. (CDC)

Infertility stole my innocence. It awakened my senses to what pain felt like. It stirred up loneliness that seemed to hollow out my soul. When this diagnosis is received, it changes everything. There is no way to escape it and the saddest part is most women choose to face it alone. Why?  Because it carries shame… unnecessary shame, which is followed by silence and fear of the unknown.

Please join me in praying for couples everywhere who are facing this devastating diagnosis. Pray they hold onto hope and find peace in the midst of the pain.

Below are links to the blogs of two terrific ladies. (Keep your eyes open. You might even see a little piece written by me in a collaborative post featured on A Royal Daughter.)

Natasha Metzler

Amanda (A Royal Daughter)

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