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Do you ever wonder how one day you can feel so encouraged about something happening in your life and the next day feel as if everything is collapsing? Has someone else’s opinion of you held so much value that you wanted to give up based on how they think of you?
God wasn’t kidding when He placed the following scripture on my heart as a theme for 2013.
Galatians 1:10
For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ. (N.K.J.V.)
My ministry is growing. God is moving in the interworking of my heart and maturing me in the knowledge of Him. However, by nature, I tend to be a people pleaser. I loathe this about myself. My only concern should be pleasing God, never man.
Last night at the women’s study I teach we discussed the issue of comparison. In this day and age, comparison amongst women is at a heightened level. Women are under a microscope. Not only do men look at women, but women look at other women. We compare ourselves against each other from everything including body types to income levels. And social media is escalating these issues.
Via the outlet of social media we have the power to tell everyone how wonderful our lives are, even when they are not. We can post pictures that are not current and make everyone on our “friends” list think we look amazing for our ages. Thanks to social media, women everywhere are comparing themselves against a facade.
I’ve recently had some conversations with hurting women based on the rejection they felt from being “unfriended.” If people do not like what we say or how we live our lives they just hit a button and we disappear from their view. Poof, we never existed.
I’m not saying social media is bad. I use it and there are many facets I LOVE about it. However, it is one more thing to guard our hearts against. So, based on some conversations from others and based on my blogging experience regarding the drastic difference between people who love my messages and hate my messages, this is what I’ve surmised.
- I am still a friend of God regardless of who “unfriends” me on Facebook.
- I follow Jesus and He will never quit leading me regardless of who chooses to “follow” or “unfollow” me on Twitter.
- I am going to continue to post what I feel God wants me to write regardless of who subscribes or unsubscribed to my blog.
- God created me. My only concern should be pleasing Him and living the life He wants me to live.
If you are someone who struggles with rejection and/or comparison issues, I want to tell you that God will never reject you. He only wants for you to love and serve Him. The more you look to Jesus, the less you will look at yourself or others in the same light. Keep on keeping on, sisters!
Do you have these struggles? How are you working to apply Galatians 1:10 in your life?
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