WildernessPicHow are all of you today? I wish I could hear your answers; I really do. I’m writing this on Sunday evening after a long day of church, lunch, shopping, and playing with my kids. These are the kind of days I love. No stress. Just joy. Simple joy.

Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about who I am, how I write, and what the true definition of success is. I can tell you one thing for sure. There is a definitive line between worldly success and spiritual success. The two are polar opposites. How we view failure is often skewed, and ladies, we need to redefine the term…

Sometimes we find ourselves in dark spaces that we can’t escape. We try everything. We are doing it God’s way, but we’re still there. Trapped. Here are two questions I’ve been asking myself lately…  Am I captive to the dark places, or am I captive to what God is trying to teach me when I’m there? I want it to be the latter of the two. I want to be a bondservant of Christ: His captive. Serving Him has gifted me freedom.

I’ve been in some dark spaces in my life. Actually, I’ve spent too much time in the pitch black. When I was there it was really rough. I wish I had some eloquent and poetic words to describe it, but there is no sugar coating it. It stinks to be in the darkness when you feel as if you’ve done everything right. Bottom line.

In my experience, it has been in the darkest places in which God has ministered to me the most. It is there I found grace.

Jeremiah 31:2

Thus says the Lord: “The people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness. Israel, when I went to give him rest.” (N.K.J.V.)

The plan was for the Israelites to go through the wilderness of Sinai to be able to reach Canaan. Even though God was with them, it was not easy. They grumbled and complained. I would venture to say they were captive to the dark places instead of captive to the Father’s voice in their lives.  However, those who survived the sword, found grace in the wilderness.

If you are in a dark place or feel as if you are failing at something in your life, I want you to redefine your circumstances. Try to learn what Jesus is teaching, allow yourself to see His light regardless of the darkness surrounding you. If you have “fallen down” you will “stand back up.” But for the time you are on the ground… learn. Allow God to draw you in with His loving-kindness. These are the stepping stones to a beautiful destiny that only Christ was able to create.

  • The world says if I don’t have thousands of unique visitors reading this blog everyday that I am failing. My God says, “Reach one with my truth.”
  • The world says if you don’t receive the promotion, you failed. God says, “I have something better.”
  • The world says if your child doesn’t attend college, you failed as a parent. “God says, “Your baby is in My hands.”

I could go on and on with lists of examples, but what I am trying to say is this…

  1. Stay focused on Christ.
  2. Quit comparing yourself to worldly success.
  3. When you are in a dark place, allow the Father to wrap you in His arms, so that you can find grace in the wilderness. You have to learn to survive the sword.

I can’t begin to convey how many days I wake up with a voice telling me to stop writing. And by the same token, I can’t possibly keep count the number of times someone has thanked me for what I write. I’m eight months into blogging and finishing my book. It’s hard. It’s work. Sometimes it feels dark. But I find light within being obedient. I’m not saying any of this to pat myself on the back. I’m saying it to encourage you. Trust me when I say, “I’ve been through all kinds of darkness.”

We all have battles to fight. Keep fighting and find grace where you are. I’m fighting also, and His grace is prevailing…

Do you have a story about finding grace in the wilderness? If so, I would love for you to share it in the comment box!




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