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“Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net”

Back in December, one month before turning age 40, I thought I would I exercise in preparation for my birthday trip to Mexico. (I was hoping for a miracle concerning the way I look in my bathing suit. It didn’t happen.) I hurt my leg. Surprise, surprise. Nothing says, “Happy 40th” like your leg giving out and then walking with a continual limp for the next 5 months.

I’m stubborn and didn’t see a doctor. Let’s face it, when you have a husband, 3 children (which includes a set of four-year-old twins), several ministry commitments, book details to finish, and a blog… ain’t nobody got time for doctor appointments! Over time it began to heal. And then three weeks ago I decided to start running again. You know, because I like to pretend I’m 25 and in shape instead of 40 and not so in shape. Did I mention this was a bad idea? A VERY BAD IDEA!

I now have been to see my doctor, because I am PAINFULLY aware that I am in fact age 40. I will be starting physical therapy soon and my doctor actually had the nerve to say to me, “You know, when you get to be our age, yoga is the best way to stay in shape.” OUR AGE??? He is 6 years older than me! See, just when you thought I was done writing about middle age and vanity…

So this is what is going on in my life. Hey, will you do me a favor? If you can run, then run like crazy and say a prayer for the healing of this silly 40 year-old leg of mine.

Have a great day!

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