I have to admit that change isn’t my favorite thing in the world. Once I am in a consistent rhythm of life, I want the beat to stay the same. When I was a child I thought that life would remain unchanged. I took my grandmother’s cooking for granted and believed every Christmas would consist of all the same loved ones sharing, laughing, and loving life together.
Last week, I was out running errands. While driving, I decided to pass by some old memories. I drove past a grocery store that has been there for what seems like forever. Rumor has it that my great grandmother was the very first customer. Next door to the grocery store I have fond memories of what used to be a little bakery that sold the best chocolate cupcakes ever. My grandmother would take me there for a sweet treat after grocery shopping. However, my favorite part of visiting this small section of town is the tall, old fashioned, red brick school. My grandparents both attended there. Every time I would drive past it with my grandmother she would say, “I went to school there for all 12 years.”
As I was driving up the road I was looking for the shabby, rundown, school in the distance. When I approached the exact location, I turned my head to see an empty piece of property where the school used to stand. Tears burned my eyes.
Change brings uncertainty. Because of the unknown, even change that is exciting and welcomed can be a bit nerve-racking. I am so thankful to serve a God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I’m grateful that even when major events disrupt our lives we have a God who has everything under control. His word doesn’t change, His goodness stays the same, and when we awaken each morning we discover His fresh new mercy.
There are times we fear change, even when we know it could be a good thing, because we can’t fathom what the outcome might bring. Sometimes we are forced into change. It hurts and we have no choice but to adjust. We aren’t promised tomorrow and we have no idea what will happen with the rest of today. But there is one thing we can be certain of in this life. We have a God who loves us. He gave us life. He chose us and is waiting for us to choose him back. He is desperate for relationship and fellowship with us.
If change is causing you to lose your foothold, please remember we serve an unchanging God. His promises are true and He has a beautiful plan tailor made specifically for you.
Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (N.K.J.V.)