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“Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net”

Hey there! Have you ever had a hectic morning? If you are a mom then I’m guessing you have. However, I had one today and it had nothing to do with my children. It had everything to do with my shoe addiction and lack of organization…

This morning I decided I would wear my black sparkly flats. I thought they would look cute with the outfit I had chosen, but I could only find one shoe. After looking for five frantic minutes to find the other one, I threw in the towel and decided on gold flip flops. Again, I could only find one. I thought, “Okay, I guess I will go with plain black flip flops.” Yep, you guessed it… only one. I SO need to clean out my closet! In the end it all worked out, because I ended up finding a new pair of shoes (yes, I said pair as in two shoes together) that I hadn’t worn yet. They were waaaaaaaay in the back of my closet, and I had forgotten I had ever purchased them. Even though the process was not as easy as I anticipated I still walked out the door feeling somewhat stylish.

There are many days when I feel I only have half of my “act together.” God plants ideas, dreams, and fantastic possibilities in my heart. I water the seedlings but figuring out how to make everything grow at the right speed is as difficult as finding a matching shoe in my closet. I walk with blind faith. (Wearing only one shoe, of course. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)

I have so many ways I would like to serve. Some will fit into my lifestyle; some will have to wait until my children are older. Yet, I have to remember that God leads the way. And He usually intends for me to have full realization that I have no idea what I’m doing. This way, I am aware that I need to fully depend on Him. I am but a small speck in this giant cosmos He created and without Him, I can do nothing.

Many days when I’m doing laundry I would much rather be writing. Oftentimes, I’m mopping floors and cleaning bathrooms wishing I was off ministering to a desperate heart, but what I realize is this…

I’m ministering to my family and I LOVE them. God gave them to me, and I never want to take them for granted. God will provide the road to ministry one step at a time. I know He is doing it right now. I’ve been taking steps for a very long time. The problem is my flesh wants to look at the finish line instead of the day-to-day view.

Guess what? The day-to-day view is the best. This view provides the moments in which we absorb the knowledge we need. And then, when we reach our destinations we will know what to do. The view we look at each day is one we can’t get back. Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. I don’t want to miss a moment.

Psalm 118:24
This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Enjoy today, Live it well, and allow each step to teach you something.

These are the things I’m working on in my life. What are you working on in yours?


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