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I love meaningful conversation. My heart aches for quiet moments when I can sit and listen to what God is doing in the life of someone else. Sometimes, tears are involved. They are not tears caused from pain or turmoil. They are tears that reflect the awe and wonder of who the Father is and the work He is doing through His Children.
This weekend, I was blessed to be part of a beautiful conversation. Once again my eyes were opened to the miracles Jesus is working in lives throughout this world. If you want a reality check, sit and talk to active missionaries. I have friends who are willing, obedient, vessels for Christ and the work they do is incredible. They are on the front lines of struggles such as HIV, widows, orphans, and prisoners. One life at a time they are helping to build the kingdom of God. I am so amazed.
I look at what others do for Christ and think to myself, “I don’t do nearly enough.” But God spoke something to me this weekend that resonated with my heart in a new way…
We all have a calling, but they are not all identical. God has purposed something very different for my life than He did for my friends. He didn’t call me to the front lines of a foreign country, but He did call me to encourage you. He called me to direct vacation Bible school programs and teach children’s choirs. He’s called me to worship through music and mentor women. He called me to give my life away for Him in any capacity He tells me.
It doesn’t always feel as if God is working through us, but He is. As long as we are willing and obedient He can use us.
My missionary friend told me this weekend that nobody takes anything from her. She willingly gives it. She chooses to give her life away. That will preach!
When my friend tells me what she does, I usually have a running conversation going on with God in my head. I cry out, “I want that, Lord! I want what she has!” And He tells me I already have it. And if Christ lives in you, then you have it too!
Yes, we can all do more. But when we are obedient to where Christ has called us, the Holy Spirit will work in our lives in a mighty way. He will freely give us wisdom and we will have all we need to accomplish what He has called us to do.
What I want to convey is this…
- If you are home raising your children, then they are your mission field. Do the best you can at what God has called you to do.
- If you are a wife, be the best support you can be to your husband. He is part of your mission field.
- If you are a teacher, your students are your mission field.
- Whatever job you have, allow your place of employment to be your mission field.
We all have different seasons in our lives. In its own way each season is wonderful. Don’t be discouraged with what you are doing right now. Enjoy this season of your life and minister wherever you are.
Do you ever feel like you can do more? Are you learning to be content with where you are right now?
This is so good. I am often guilty of looking at the lives of others and telling God, “I want what they have”. I believe God has a unique purpose for each of us to fulfill. That’s why it’s called the “body of Christ”. We all function differently, and each part is important. Blessings!
Thanks, Barbie. We tend to compare ourselves against each other and it can be detrimental. So glad you enjoyed the post:).