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“Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net”

Psalm 126:5 says, “Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy.”  I’m sowing again. And though I know all things written in the word of God are true, I’m having a difficult time seeing how joy can come when I have to say goodbye to someone I love too soon.

Yesterday, I lost my uncle. The most extraordinary gift regarding family is that they love you simply because you were born. You belong to them. And when you know Jesus, there is a realization that you are linked together through so much more than just DNA. Whether you were adopted or biologically born into a family, you are joined by the hand of God. You are woven into a tapestry of love. Sometimes imperfect love, because we are imperfect people, but love just the same.

Right now, I’m sowing many tears and it is hard to envision joy rising up through them. But I know joy will come.  Joy, like a rainbow, is a promise sure and strong.  Somehow we survive the storm and awaken to beautiful vibrant color. But don’t ask me when. Don’t ask me how…

Each night I pray protection over all my family. In a moment of frustration, I had to wonder if the Father listened as I whispered my last prayer.  As soon as my mind birthed the thought, I knew the answer. Yes, He did listen, but His plans and my plans sometimes differ.

Right now, I’m washing my Bible with tears. I’m sowing them deep. Joy comes in the morning through the mourning. I know my family will reap. It’s a promise, and He does not break His promises.

This is a Five Minute Friday post… it may have taken just a little longer since I was sowing tears while writing…



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