I am in Massachusetts right now. I tagged along with my husband on a business trip, and let me tell you, “I’m in history heaven!”
Yesterday, I visited the farm that belonged to President John Adams, the home he was born in, as well as the home he and Abigail lived in after they were first married. In the farm everything is original, right down to all the furniture. The books they read, the china they ate from… all original. When I stood in the rooms and looked around, I was transported there. I loved every moment of it.
One of my favorite quotes (You will see it in my new eBook, Mercy Waits) is by Abigail Adams. To her son, John Quincy, she wrote, “My Dear Son . . . remember that you are accountable to your Maker for all your words and actions.”
The first Time I ever read that quote it impacted my life. It is simple truth, yet incredibly profound to the soul. We are accountable to the Father for everything. I’m so thankful for His mercy.
How we live our lives before the Father can be an act worship. My Pastor always says, “Worship is loving God back.” He is right. It isn’t just about singing songs on Sunday morning. Music is only one aspect of worship.
Purposing to please God with our thoughts, words, and actions is true worship. (Click to tweet.) We need to worship with every part of our lives.
I obviously wasn’t born in the right time period to know Abigail Adams. I only know what I’ve read about her. But the above quote tells me she gave her son a very large nugget of truth. And in turn, more than two hundred years later, she gave me a word that confirms the truth I build my life upon – My first concern in life should be to please my Maker. Bottom line…
The principles with which we water our souls are what will grow in our hearts. (Tweet that)
I want my heart to point toward heaven.
Psalm 119:93
I will never forget Your precepts, for by them You have given me life. (N.K.J.V.)
My prayer for you today is that your thoughts, words, and deeds would cry out a soul song of beautiful worship.
Whether we recognize it or not, there is power in how we choose to live our lives. What we say today might echo in someone’s life tomorrow… or two hundred years from now.
I’m Linking up with Crystal Stine for Behind the Scenes!
“My Dear Son . . . remember that you are accountable to your Maker for all your words and actions.” Just simply WOW.
What amazing words to live by. I am in a heavy history area right now and I Iove the feeling of being able to “experience ” all that our forefathers did. Oh, to experience this kind of wisdom each morning as we plan our steps. Thank you for a wonderful reminder!
This is really thought provoking…and a little sobering…to be reminded that we are accountable for all of it AND that we’ll be remembered for it, too. Love this truth, friend…such a good reminder. Blessings and happy Tuesday to you! 🙂
My prayer today is that my thoughts, my words, my deeds and my actions are pleasing to Him. Thank you for the reminder friend.
What a beautiful quote! It is definitely sobering! I hope you enjoy your vacation:)
Thank you, Michelle.