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“Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net”

It is Five Minute Friday with Lisa-Jo Baker and a brave group of writers. We write for an unedited five minutes. Today, the writing prompt is the word Last.

When my last words at the end of the day are formed from a tired and weary kind of soul, I’m grateful for mercy.

When my last thoughts at the end of a hectic day are not on things above, but instead on the worries of the coming sunrise, I’m grateful for mercy.

And tonight, before sweet slumber catches my weary fall, I will thank the mercy giver.

It is His ever present and sustaining love that floods and fills my life with truth. It is His truth which saves me and His mercy that sustains me.

I pray your weekend will be filled with the undeniable presence of His mercy in your life.

Happy Friday!



PS: I had a new eBook come out this week. It is entitled Mercy Waits. If you want to learn more about how you can get it for free, just click here.

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