It is time for Five Minute Friday with Lisa-Jo Baker. I have five minutes to write unedited and straight from the heart. The word prompt is worship.
I used to think worship was raising my hands in surrender on Sunday mornings with a voice lifted high in praise. It is so much more than that.
Worship is moment-to-moment actions. It is covering others with grace, exercising mercy, and pouring out love. It is meant for daily living. Not just Sunday mornings. Worship is loving God through serving others.
I have a journal where I write prayer requests. I want to worship Christ with tears flowing until the paper is soaked and my words are snatched up by His mercy.
I want my worship to be defined as the surrendering of my whole heart for someone else’s pain.
How do you define worship?
PS: My eBook Mercy Waits is now available. Here is where you can find out how to get yours for free.
Lovely words. I think you are right – we have to be totally surrendered to it. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you, Debie. Have a wonderful weekend!
I love that picture. It reminds me of humbling ourselves under His hand. That when we are face down, He must be our protector, when we worship on the ground, it is He alone that can and will protect us as we do what matters most.
Beautifully stated, Kimberly! Have a wonderful Friday!
Dear Jennifer
Your post speaks of your acknowledgement of the One who is truly worthy.I find worship to be when we allow our Lord our bodies to live His Worthship through!
Blessings XX
Thank you, Mia. Have a wonderful weekend!
Such beautiful words, friend…the moment to moment actions, yes. Worship isn’t always standing in church, hands raised in surrender…often it’s the little choices, the moments of our days that become worship when we choose to honor Him with our lives. Blessings to you!
Thank you, Mel. Have a wonderful day!