Today, I’m linking up with Emily Freeman to tell you about the lessons I’ve learned in August. It has been a sentimental kind of month. And I’m still learning. Always learning. Forever learning.
1. 1. When my kids run, play, and laugh, regardless of the mess they make every moment is grace soaked.
Life is moving fast and who cares about the possibility of stepping on an army man or baby doll tiara? There is freedom in saying, “The toys can stay on the floor a little while longer.” And “The cleaning can wait while we play together and read books.”
I’ve been here once before. And now He is grown. We are on our second go round with two little miracles that we prayed into life. The mess can wait.
2. God continues to breathe new dreams even when I’m 40, tired, covered with poison Ivy, and discouraged about the extra 10 pounds of ice cream that found me this summer.
God never disappoints. As long as you have breath in your body He never says, “it’s too late to unwrap something brand new with your name on the package.” And it will be more than you ever hoped for because we serve a God Who gives more than we could ever hope or dream. I’m living mercy-filled dreams.
3. His big brown eyes still make my knees knock.
22 years of marriage and three beautiful kids, who were hard sought after and ached for, later. His eyes still light me up. The lines that would once disappear when the smile left his handsome face are now permanent fingerprints of the gift of God’s time. I love that we’ve spent nearly every day together since we were 15. I love the map that was designed for us to follow. I’m grateful for the good and bad because we live through each moment together. Together is all that matters.
4. 4. My new eBook entitled, Mercy Waits debuted on my blog this month.

A Girl on the doorstep
A few years ago, I found myself in a situation where I needed to forgive and at the same time I needed to ask for forgiveness. Through that journey God breathed new life into what the word mercy meant. I learned how to give it freely instead of allowing my mercy to wait. My book is a 31 day devotional. God transformed my heart through the process of writing it, and He continues to work in my life as I speak to others about it. If you are interested, you can find out how to get it for free here.
I guess you can say I’ve had a grace soaked, mercy-filled, lesson learning kind of month. What about you? What did God teach you in August?
Gilr I know what you mean about the mess. It just seems to grow! I used to let it rule me but not now. If it gets finished thats great! If it doesn’t. Guess what it will still be there tomorrow! lol great post of encouragement FMF friend! HUGS!
Thanks, Casey! Have a wonderful weekend!