ID-10015595It’s Five Minute Friday! If you don’t know what that is, check out Lisa-Jo Baker’s Blog here.

Soon the leaves will change and the sun will set in golden tones with hints of red. Fall in all its glory will appear. Another season begins.

New seasons bring new dreams, people! Are you ready?

I am.

Throughout this week I did a short four day series on battles. I talked about the difficult-trudge through-the-mud-life-is-uphill-and-steep, kind of battles. But do you know we need to battle for our dreams as well? We do!

Grownups, especially the ones called parents, become so caught up in wiping little faces, and little tiny fingerprints (Mmm hmmm, the ones that add a custom décor to the walls only three feet high.) that we forget we have other dreams waiting to take flight.

God fills our hearts with dreams too, and we will be the example to teach those tiny, precious, sticky-handed kiddos how to fuel their own dreams someday.

So go ahead. Dream big in this new upcoming season colored with reds, oranges and golds.

And when you change diapers, clean up cheerios, and teach the alphabet with no make-up on while sporting a ponytail high on your head… Just. Keep. Dreaming.


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